If you are looking to engage potential customers on social media, you must have a robust Pinterest presence.

On Facebook, you think about friends, and on Twitter you think aboutnews . On Pinterest, you think about what you want to do, where you want to go, what you want to buy.
This statement outlines the intentions of your potential consumers while using Pinterst . So, it’s important for you to consider this behavior on when building your social media strategy. This post will outline tips and tricks to help increase your Pinterest engagements for your business.
Here’s the top 10 Pinterest hacks you should know…
1. Benchmark Your Competitors Pinterest Usage
It’s possible to the see the type of content shared from a site even if it’s not registered on Pinterest – making it great for competitor benchmarking.
Use this link format in the browser address bar: http://www.pinterest.com/source/<web address>
I ran a search for my blog and this is what it returned. I was able to see everyone who posted my content with link-backs to my site on Pinterest.

2. Use Analytics to Review Pinterest Drivers
In Google Analytics, you can compare the percent of new visitors and sales referred, average order and conversion rate.

3. Convert Your Current Pinterest Page to A Business Page
Existing users can convert their Pinterest to a business account by following these instructions.
4. Use Pinterest Rich Pins To Increase Engagements
Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself . They allow you to add extra details to your Pins to make them more useful.
Here’s an example:

5. Use Insight Providers to Track Pinterest Competitors
The easiest and only ‘free’ way to assess competitor activity is to follow your competitors and regularly look at the ‘news’ feed to see their updates.

6. Use Pinterest Analytics to Direct Your Sharing Strategy
- The Pins and boards that are most engaging for your followers
- Content that users like to save from your
website - Your audience – who your
Pinterest audience is, gender, location and other interests - Devices most commonly used to Pin your content
- The impact of the Pin It button and Pinterest widget on referrals to your website
7. Use Pinterest Pin It Buttons and Profile Widgets
Encourage sharing and visits to your boards.Pinterest buttons are available from the new Pinterest Widget builder:
http://business.pinterest.com/widget-builder8. Using Real-Time Pricing
According to Shopify, Pins with a price get 36% more likes than those without.Be sure to use them in Pins can drive engagement.9. Use Links As Calls-to-Action
Links will appear automatically beneath the image when you pin content, but you can use a custom call-to-action.10. Remember Quality Over Quantity
Remember thatPinterest no longer displays Pins based on when they are pinned. Factor this into your content schedule so that you are generating good quality content to take advantage of the smart feed.