Hope you enjoy surfing the internet and after reading some online money articles curious to know about how to earn money through your own blog, so lets talk about that. Ok, so you want to earn $1000 money per month by blogging. I just want to tell you one thing is, blogging directly doesn't help you make money. You can earn money by paid advertising, banners, affiliations, google adsense etc..."
" Making $1000/month with a blog is certainly not easy but it's not difficult too. "
Start your blog about anythings that you really like most. I am sure that some of your confusions will be clear from this article. Increasing your pageviews would definitely help. If you are smart enough, it should not be difficult to understand how to generate income from your blog.
Here are few steps or say important things to keep in mind:
1. Crete your blog with WordPress blog.
2. Find the best and cheap hosting plans from Hosting website i, e ( Blue Host, Godaddy..)
3. Just Concentrate only on USA visitors. List all the common things about US people, what they are most thinking about. It can be anything from health,glossary, daily routing, yoga tips, travelling, crafting to food products anything..... Use Google Adwords Keyword tool. Search the term and find related keywords.
How to Earn Money Online by Creating a Classified Website
4. Identify your business, products and services then Search and find the keywords with monthly search traffic between 3000-5000 with low competition and high CPC ($2+).
5. If you can, so buy the domain with that keyword in it. ( If you don't get exact add something like guide, best, top words..)
6. Research and identify the best plugins for proper performance and readership increase. (W3 total Cache, Quick Adsense, SEO plugin, Facebook like box, Social media plugins etc...)
7. Search and find the another upto 100 secondary keyword from Google Adwords keyword tool keeping 1K-5K monthly searches, low competition and high CPC.
8. Usually I use a static homepage on second website and it works really good. So use a static homepage with an article of over 1200+ words keeping your primary keyword in mind. Search on Google as what people are searching related to that. Try to include those keywords. Keep checking primary and secondary keywords percentage in the article. ( Keep it between 2-4%). (Use 4-5 images.)
9. You need to Write a couple of other articles targeting to secondary keywords in it. You have to just Maintain the keyword ratio. If you can , so make your article with Interlink each other.
10. All the secondary keyword articles must be 500+ words in it. ( Use images as well.)
11. Use proper formatting of URL Structure. Change it to date/month/title in blog settings. You can also customize it with another keyword in it.)
12. Use ping services section of Wordpress. Add as many as you can.
13. Try to create backlinks. ( I don't have much backlinks on both websites and both drive traffic from keywords only.) (40 on website 1 and 5 on website 2.)
14. Regularly Update your blog after researching trend of your niche and post it once in a week.
15. Just do Wait and watch. ( It will takes time which can be as high as 6 months for the any websites.)