Are you wondered with the new word
“Mobilegeddon” using by Google for mobile friendly website? This is nothing but
a latest update by Google.
Recently, Google has officially launched its Mobile Friendly Ranking Algorithm. As per Google the sites that aren’t mobile friendly is likely to drop in traffic from mobile users and sites that are mobile friendly is likely to get up in the current scenario. This latest update by Google needs to know by Marketers, every website owner and SEO manager.
If we talk about in a general, we want to know why Google rolled out an update that encourages website owners who have a mobile- friendly site. We can simple say; the time spent on browsing internet on desktops has been surpassed by mobile.
You can protect your website by
following ways: –
Check your website on Google’s mobile– friendly test: – Use Google’s
mobile- friendly test to check whether your site can meet basic qualification.
If need any changes Google break down the necessary changes that must be made
on your site. Don’t let mobilegeddon to hit your site.
Content needs to be mobile friendly – The content should be mobile
friendly as there is lot of difference between the searches of desktop and on
mobile. The search on mobile and desktop are not equal. Mobile searches done by
consumers to get information instantly. On contrary, desktop searches are
lengthier and are in detail or more informative. So creating the content and
layout for each site should be different.
3. Website to be responsive– As per
Google, creates your website to be responsive to meet your customer’s
expectations by creating a different layout for mobile and desktop which means
that a single website responds to the device we accessing it. Also, we can go
with another option by creating separate mobile website. However, the content
will give same information in a two different formats.
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