These are the top 40 SEO blogs you should read in
2014. I spent over 10 hours researching, reading, and interviewing
people in the SEO industry to narrow down the best SEO blogs. I was
actually a little surprised to see that quality SEO blogs are very rare.
Much of what I came across was pure crap that contained overly
optimized articles that were written for the quantity of content, rather
than the quality.
The top 40 SEO blogs aren’t solely based on my personal opinion. In
fact, part of the reason I wrote this post was to find more and better
resources. Here are some of the criteria I used when deciding whether or
not to include the blog in this top 40 list.
1 - The Moz Blog
Blog: http://moz.com/blog
Twitter: @moz
2. Search Engine Land
Twitter: @sengineland
3. QuickSprout
Twitter: @neilpatel
4. YouMoz
Blog: http://moz.com/ugc
Twitter: @moz
5. Matt Cutts
Twitter: @mattcutts
Twitter: @seobook
7. Rand Fishkin
Blog: http://moz.com/rand/
Twitter: @randfish
8. Search Engine Watch
Twitter: @sewatch
9. Search Engine Journal
Twitter: @sejournal
10. Bruce Clay
Twitter: @BruceClayInc
11. SEO by the Sea
Twitter: @bill_slawski
12. Search Engine Roundtable
Twitter: @seroundtable
13. Digital Relevance
Twitter: @drelevance
14. Daily SEO Blog
Twitter: @ManiKarthik
15. Copyblogger
Twitter: @copyblogger
16. David Naylor
Twitter: @davenaylor
17. Daily SEO Tip
Blog: http://dailyseotip.com
Twitter: @DailySEO
18. UpCity
Blog: http://upcity.com/blog
Twitter: @upcityinc
19. SEO Theory
Twitter: @seo_theory
20. ClickZ
Twitter: @clickz
21. Marketing Pilgrim
Twitter: @MarketingPilgrm
22. Search Engine Guide
Twitter: @sewatch
Blog: http://www.reelseo.com
Twitter: @reelseo
24. Higher Visibility
Twitter: @highervis
25. Yoast
Blog: http://yoast.com/cat/seo
Twitter: @yoast
26. John Battelle’s Search Blog
Blog: http://battellemedia.com
Twitter: @johnbattelle
27. BacklinkO
Blog: http://backlinko.com
Twitter: @Backlinko
28. OptimizePrime
Blog: http://optimizepri.me
Twitter: @OptimizePrime
29. SEOno
Twitter: @steviephil
30. WordStream
Twitter: @wordsteam
31. Zazzle Media
Twitter: @zazzlemedia
32. Koozai
Twitter: @koozai
33. SEO Nick
Twitter: @nick_eubanks
34. Kaiser the Sage
Blog: http://kaiserthesage.com
Twitter: @kaiserthesage
35. DejanSEO
Twitter: @dejanseo
36. Small Business Online Coach
Twitter: @smbusinesscoach
37. iAcquire
Twitter: @iacquire
38. David Leonhardt’s SEO and Social Media Marketing
Twitter: @amabaie
39. siegemedia
Twitter: @siegemedia
40. SEO Gadget
Twitter: @seogadget
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